
Cherry Picker news and stories from all over the world

cherry picker hire tree top rides

The Connecticut Tree Festival returns Saturday, May 16, 11 to 3, with its two popular rides to the treetops of Cranbury Park for young people.

Hosted by Norwalk and Wilton, the family-oriented festival unfolds rain or shine against a backdrop of the U.S. Arbor Day Foundation’s selection again of Norwalk and Wilton as a Tree City USA. 

Everything is free, admission, parking, chances on door prizes, even picnic-style lunch for everybody. Cranbury Park is on Grumman Avenue in Norwalk.

One of the rides is the junior arborist tree-climb conducted under the direction of Mike Almstead of Almstead Tree & Shrub Care, conveying children to the leafy heights of a maple tree, securely suspended in a two-pulley harness and wearing a helmet.

At the same time a cherry-picker provided by The Care of Trees under the direction of Rich Whitehead carries the kids in an arc across the Great Lawn in the park, strapped into the bucket and accompanied by a supervisor.

The day showcases a diverse lineup of ecologically oriented exhibitors along with hands-on demonstrations by experts in tree-planting and care, face-painting and crafts. Exhibitors pay nothing for space or their booths, nor are they permitted to sell products or services on the property.


Source: Wilton Bulletin